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Credit Recovery

Edmentum Credit Recovery Option

Course is offered at NCWHS in-person or remotely with instruction online through the Edmentum virtual program.

Summer Session: June 12th 2023 - June 30th, 2023; Monday-Friday

No Class on Friday, June 16th and No Class on Friday, June 19th

Cost - No fees

Deadline to register – by noon on Friday, June 2, 2023

Only available to students needing to make up a credit from a course they previously failed.

To register, please contact your student’s counselor or fill out this registration google form

BYU Independent Study-High School Courses

Course taken online at

Full Services Courses - initial courses, some NCAA approved

Cost - starts at $189

Students have up to a  year to complete the course

Credit Recovery Courses - course taken to make up credit for a failed course. Not NCAA approved.

Cost - starts at $85

  1. Fill out the Outside Credit Form in order to get the class pre-approved and turn it in to your counselor.

    1. Review BYU courses to select the appropriate class

  2. Counselor will notify you that you have been approved to take the course

  3. Once you have been approved, you can start the BYU registration process.

  4. Be sure to select the accurate course and semester as well as selecting Normal West as your high school.

  5. Payment will be made directly to BYU

Illinois Virtual Schools & Academy- Summer School 2023 Only Available at this time 

Courses taken online at

May 30, 2023 - August 4, 2023

Full Services Courses - initial courses; NCAA approved

Cost - starts at $300

*NCAA approved

Credit Recovery Courses - course taken to make up credit for a failed course. 

Cost - starts at $300

*Not NCAA approved

  1. Fill out the Outside Credit Form in order to get the class pre-approved and turn it in to your counselor.

  1. Review IVS courses to select the appropriate class

      2. Counselor will notify you that you have been approved to take the course

      3. Once you have been approved, you can start the IVSA registration process. Be sure to select the accurate      

          course(s) as well as Normal West for your homeschool.

     4. You will receive notification from IVSA that you may start your class

     5. Payment will be made directly to IVSA

*Other institutions can be used as well if approved by the building principal or designee.

Unit 5 Board Policy No 6.310 

 Guidelines for High School Non-District Experiences and Course Substitutions 

  • A student may take no more than six credits outside of Unit 5’s course offerings. 

  • A student who has failed more than six credits may exceed the limit of six credits to recover credits to fulfill graduation requirements. 

  • A maximum of one credit may be earned outside the school day per semester unless approved in advance by the Building Principal or designee. 

  • A maximum of 2.0 credits may be earned during a single summer session unless approved in advance by the Building Principal or designee. 

  • The aforementioned credit limitations apply only to a student enrolled full time. 

Off Campus Learning Courses 

A student enrolled in an off campus learning course may receive high school credit for work completed, provided: 

1. The course is given by an accredited institution and approved in advance by the Building Principal or designee. 

2. The student assumes all financial responsibility. 

Off campus learning courses may be taken during the school day for district supported credit recovery. 

The off campus course grade will not count toward Unit 5 grade point average (GPA). 

Note ~ College level courses that are taken while a student is enrolled in high school may not be recognized for college credit by some postsecondary institutions.

Summer School 

A student who has successfully completed eighth grade may receive high school credit for successfully completing any course provided: 

1. The course is given by an accredited institution and approved in advance by the high school Building Principal or designee. 

2. The student assumes all financial responsibility. 

The summer school course grade will not count toward Unit 5 grade point average (GPA). 

Correspondence Courses 

A student enrolled in a correspondence course may receive high school credit for work completed, provided: 

1. The student is a fourth or fifth year student. 

2. The course is given by an accredited institution and approved in advance by the Building Principal or designee. 

3. The student assumes all financial responsibility. 

The correspondence course grade will not count toward Unit 5 grade point average (GPA).

As of 9/9/2015