Dual Credit Advanced Placement
Unit 5 Dual Credit Information
Handout Instructions for applying for Dual-Credit
Need your Heartland transcripts?
Unofficial Instructions
https://www.heartland.edu/Ordering Official Transcripts
https://www.heartland.edu/2021 AP Exam Registration Information
ATTENTION! Students and guardians should complete this registration/enrollment together. This is a two-step process and both steps MUST be completed to access the AP Classroom resources and/or order AP Exams. The entire process (both steps) can be completed in a single sitting in approximately 10 minutes. Please go to the link below to complete the registration process.
- Complete the registration process at this link: https://user.totalregistration.net/AP/143201
- Enroll all your AP courses and exams in the College Board's MyAP system with the Join Codes you will receive at the end of this registration process.
There is no cost for enrolling in AP courses, but the 2021 AP Exams cost $100 per exam. Free/Reduced Lunch Approved Students will pay $15 per exam.
- Students enrolled in 2nd semester only Spring AP Course(s) (AP Psychology, AP Comp. Govt, AP Human Geography, and 2nd semester AP US Gov & Pol Courses):
- Register from now through 3/1/20 = $100 per exam
**MARCH 1, 2020 is the FINAL day to order any AP exams
- Students enrolled in year-long or 1st semester only Fall AP Course(s), can register for exams until March 1st = $140.00 per exam ($100.00 + $40 late fee)
**MARCH 1, 2020 is the FINAL day to order any AP exams.
Refund Policy: Before March 2nd, you will receive a full refund (late fees for 1st semester or yearlong are not refunded). After March 1st, there will be No Refunds.
Please contact Mrs Debra Sondgeroth, sondgerd@unit5.org if you would like to register for an exam not listed, have questions about financial assistance, or any other questions.
2021 AP Exam Schedule 2021 AP Late Exam ScheduleAP Credit Policy Search
Find colleges and universities that offer credit or placement for AP scores -
https://apscore.collegeboard.org/creditandplacement/search-credit-policiesMore Resource information for parents: http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-insights-parents-families.pdf