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Normal West PTO

The PTO welcomes all parents of Normal West students to get involved and attend our monthly meetings.  We meet virtually at 6:00 pm on the first Tuesday of each month (except January & July).  These meetings are focused on discussing items related to:

1. Raising money to support Normal West students and teachers.
2. Increasing communication between the school and the parents.
3. Providing community support for the Bloomington-Normal area.

 PTO Officers:

 President Brenda Steele
 Vice-President  (Open)
 Treasurer  (Open)
 Secretary Brenda Steele
 Clothing Chairs Sarah Egge
 Hospitality  (Open)
 Grants/Scholarship Chair  (Open)
 Teacher Rep & Grants Donette Albrechtsen

  Elections for PTO offices are done each year towards the end of the school year.   Email us at if you have questions.   Access the PTO Calendar