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Welcome to the Nurses' Corner

Click on the staff member's name below for more information about that staff member.
Paula Birsa
Annette Cherry

Click here to go to the School Health section of the Unit 5 website for medical forms, physical and immunization requirements, community resources, and helpful websites.

Per the Unit 5 High School Handbook:
Communicable Diseases
For everyone’s protection, sick students must be at home, not at school. When reporting the student’s absence, please report the reason for the child’s absence. The school needs to be informed of any student having a special health problem or communicable disease. Children with the following conditions should not be in school:

  • A fever within the last 24 hours of 100° F or higher
  • Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
  • A frequent or disruptive cough or other signs of an acute respiratory infection
  • Any contagious illness such as “strep throat” that requires antibiotic therapy. Once a student has been fever free without the use of fever‐reducing medications and on antibiotics for at least 24 hours, he/she may return to school.
  • Any undiagnosed skin rash. A student with a rash may attend school upon presenting a physician’s note stating the rash is not contagious.
  • Pronounced lethargy or fatigue that interferes with participation in learning activities.

CampusWell- Online Health Magazine
Normal West High School has partnered with OSF Healthcare to bring our students and families CampusWell, an online health and wellness magazine that provides timely, up-to-date evidence-based articles and information.  Visit: to learn more.