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Thank you for communicating your enrollment intent for your student and welcome to Unit 5! Before you begin the online enrollment process please gather the following:
Household Information - address and phone numbers
Parent/Guardian information - work and cell phone numbers, email addresses
Student information - demographic and health/medication information
Emergency contact - phone numbers
Note: Required fields will be marked with a red asterisk, and the district will receive the data exactly as it is entered. Please be careful of spelling, capitalization and punctuation.
Child's birth certificate
Proof of residency - lease OR mortgage statement OR real estate tax bill *if you are living with someone please email me for further direction*
Please click the link below to begin the enrollment process, please choose school year 25-26:
After you complete online registration, we will contact you to obtain any supporting documents that you are unable to upload to complete registration. You can also email me your child's birth certificate and proof residency if you had issues uploading these documents. My email is We will not be able to enroll your student until we receive proof of residency.
Only one application needs to be completed for your family. Please include ALL students you are wanting to enroll in Unit 5 schools on one application.
The unit 5 homepage has a list of necessary documentation to fully register students:
2024-25 School Calendar